Ishaan Jain
· 3 min read

What music means to me

What music means to me

The definition of music is vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. Many people believe that music has the power to change a person. I myself believe this because music has changed me. A few years ago when I lived in India, music wasn't a big thing - it was just an after-school class that my parents sent me to once a week. I didn't practice enough and didn't take it seriously. I was also in a group class and didn't get much attention from my teacher. I also had to play on a digital keyboard, though I didn't know enough about the difference at the time.

When I moved here in Jersey City, one of the first things my parents did was buy a piano. We got a used Yamaha U1, which is an upright piano - very old, almost 40 years but very well restored! I really liked it. The next step was of course to find a good piano teacher. We had the option between two teachers. One lived close to us and the other lived a little bit further but seemed strict. We decided to choose the strict one. His name was Paul Vazopolos and that was one of the best decision we made.

When we met him for the trial class he seemed really nice and he told me to practice at least half an hour. Since I barely ever practiced before, I had a hard time making time for this in my schedule. I was also going to a new school. but over the course of his classes, I became better and better. Then he told me to practice for 45 minutes. And I did so, as far as possible. I had many recitals in which I played pieces that he chose for me. That was when I brought up the Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement by Beethoven.

I told him I wanted to play this piece and he was actually quite excited about the choice. We worked on it for a quite a while to learn this rather difficult piece. The Moonlight Sonata uses many complex techniques to produce its beautiful harmonics. Mr. Vazopolos taught me the broken chords and the chords in the piece. I also learned different rhythm patterns to help me play the piece steadily. There were short long short long, short short long long, long short short long, short long long short and all short and all long.

These patterns really helped me pick up the speed for the next part: the Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement. One other very important technique for piano is dynamics.Dynamics are how soft or loud you play. The two terms are forte and piano. Piano means soft and forte means loud. If you are able to control your dynamics you be able to perform really well. Another thing that helps with your dynamics is right-pedaling. The pedal makes the sound last longer. So if you want to end a piece dramatically you can use the pedal.

After learning the 1st movement, I started on the way more complex 3rd movement. This is much faster, playing at 140 beats/minute and with lots more broken chords, pedaling, and dynamics. After 6 months of intense practice, I was finally ready to perform in a public space! Here's a sample of the 3rd movement that I played at the TECCS Show in March 2018. Hope you enjoy listening to it!

Playing the piano has been one of the most exciting and fulfilling accomplishments of my life. It took a lot of work and effort but I learned so much about sound and music and got a better understanding of how complex playing and composing music can be. Music helped me find something in me that I never knew before. That is my love of performing. I usually thought to myself that I was too timid or scared to go up in front of my class and present something, let alone a concert hall! I am really thankful for my parents and Mr. Vazopolos for making this come true. And of course, a deep bow to those geniuses of the past: Bach, Beethoven, and Chopin!