Ishaan Jain
· 1 min read

Who Are the Mole People?

Who Are the Mole People?

Have you ever imagined a group of smugglers or vigilantes who hide in the sewers while they make their plans? There actually  is a group of people called the Mole people live under big cities like New York City. The mole people, or tunnel dwellers are homeless people living under large cities in abandoned subways, sewage tunnels and heating shafts. It is claimed that they have formed ordered societies, living underground all year long.

In 2014 mole people have been reported seen by college students in Boston. The mole people started as an urban legend before the spottings. They started their civilization in a train tunnel beneath riverside park.Urban explorer Steve Duncan explores the hidden infrastructure of New York City’s tunnels and sewers. He found spray paint and graffiti on the walls but nothing left behind by the Mole people.

Very little is known about this band of civilization. Their whereabouts are unknown and they probably only come out at midnight. Many people have attempted to find them and their searches have been in vain.