Ishaan Jain
· 1 min read

How easy would it be to end Gun Violence

How easy would it be to end Gun Violence

For more than 2 months there have been shootings all over the U.S. This is happening due to the fact that anyone can buy a gun because of their second amendment right. The NRA(national rifle association) is promoting buying guns to protect themselves, but no one knows what some people might do with them.

The shootings have happened in many places like Parkland, Maryland and Las Vegas. One of the saddest ones was at Parkland when Nikolas Cruz injured and killed 17 high school students. My school and many others did a march for this tragedy.

I think that what is happening is terrible. People cannot just buy guns and do whatever they want with it. People all over the world to raise awareness of these shootings and stop gun violence.

You might be thinking why doesn't the government just ban guns. The thing is the NRA is paying people to support guns, so the politicians can't refuse. If I was in that position, I would  definitely oppose the selling of guns

The option might be really tempting because you would rather risk protecting you and your family and letting dangerous people buy weapons than living undefended, but how will you protect people by giving dangerous people access to weapons. So to the NRA, when you sell weapons instead of protecting people you are attacking them