Ishaan Jain
ยท 1 min read

Trump's Impeachment

Trump's Impeachment

You have probably heard of what is happening in the White house. Trump has gotten impeached. But this doesn't mean he is gone yet. There is still one more step until Trump is out of office.

In case you haven't heard Donald Trump was impeached recently for pressuring Ukraine to dig up bad information about Joe Biden, another presidential candidate. This was an abuse of power and an obstruction of congress. His aim was to get Ukraine to open an investigation into the Biden's and declare as much publicly. Trump denied all claims by the Democrats, saying it was a 'witch hunt'.

Since Trump has been impeached there still is one more step to finalize the process. The first was the articles of impeachment brought to the House of Representatives next will be a trial at the Senate in January. If two-thirds of the senate vote to convict Trump, he will be removed from office.

You might be thinking that Trump is finally gone. Sadly, he probably won't be removed from office as majority of the Senate are Republicans. So it is very unlikely that he will be convicted. I think that the whole situation is kind of pointless, because the election is only next year. The damage was done. All we can do is hope that we get a good president next year.