Ishaan Jain
· 1 min read

My LEGO Mindstorms

My LEGO Mindstorms

I recently got a hand-me-down LEGO Mindstorms Educational Kit from a friend of my parents and it is really extremely cool.  Its exciting to see how I do create and do many amazing things with it, beyond just building things. At first, I wasn’t so interested but now that I know all the cool stuff you can do, it is really fun.  When I opened the box and saw the instructions I knew I wanted to build the Gyro Boy. The Gyro Boy is a  fun robot which was on two wheels and programmed with a self-balancing code. The code was very complex and I couldn’t understand it, but with the help of my dad, I was able to break it down and understand separate blocks in the code.

Also, due to the fact that it was self-balancing, I  was having problems with movement. I decided to build an extra wheel for it so it could at least move and stand.

This is the Gyro boy.
This is the code that comes with it.

As a first try with this slightly modified gyro, I tried to improve its sensing system by adding color sensors. I added a logic code to do different things when detecting different colors eg. if it saw red, turn right. I was having some problems with this but the balancing code kept getting in the way. Finally I realized that I should just build a simpler robot for my little code tests.

More on upcoming experiments in a few days...bye!