Ishaan Jain
· 1 min read

Mindstorms Part 4 - Loops and Conditions

Mindstorms Part 4 - Loops and Conditions

Now that I was writing simple programs like turning and moving, I decided to take it a step further by using more sensors and pieces. I added a color sensor and made a new program. I also decided to make the program cooler by putting a gear operated spring loaded shooter. One more thing I added was a condition. The condition was if an object was within 5 cm it would stop, turn around shoot the bullet and keep going. I added a infinite loop and within it I made the condition.

This taught me how to create multiple conditions and multitasking which I will look into next time. Conditions and loops can definitely make advanced programs simpler to write!

mindtorms4 from Ishaan Jain on Vimeo.