Ishaan Jain
ยท 1 min read

The Day after Christmas

The Day after Christmas

As you are sitting on your couch or watching a movie, the biggest holiday of the year is taking place in a dozen other countries. If you live in America you have probably not heard of it. Even I didn't know about it until today.

Boxing day is celebrated on December 26th, the day after Christmas. Many people wonder what the original reference is of this holiday. Today, for most Americans might be a day to clean up the house or remove the decorations, but in Europe the party isn't over. Boxing day is a celebrated bank holiday, and in some countries. even serves as a second Christmas. Surprisingly, even former British colonies like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa also celebrate Boxing day. But America wanted to do the same thing they did with the metric system. They chose to not observe it.

Boxing day is a rather unusual holiday. Almost everyone has a different view of why it is celebrated. Many people also know it as St. Stephens day and Wren day. Boxing day is claimed to be the biggest shopping event in the UK, so most people are outside buying what they really wanted for Christmas. Surprisingly, many famous boxing events have also happened on boxing day. This video by a Canadian youtube channel explains another theory of why boxing day is celebrated-

Alright, maybe that wasn't too accurate. The most common reason that Boxing day is celebrated because of the tradition of gifting servants Christmas boxes.

I think boxing day is a very interesting holiday. I still have the urge to celebrate a little more but, Christmas is still enough for me. It does seem like a lot of work, but today I think you should just relax.